New Vacancies On Some Strategic Positions In Malysia

Already answered the riddle in the cabinet reshuffle that has been done by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). In the first reshuffle in the Cabinet Indonesua United (KiB) II there are new faces namely Balthasar Kambuaya who was appointed Minister of Environment, Dahlan Iskan became Minister of SOEs, Azwar Abubakar, who was asked to become Minister of PAN and Bureaucratic Reform, and Djan Faridz appointed Menpera. Of the reshuffle is done, the reservation of seats MCC reduced one, and there are new elements of professional, Balthasar Kambuaya and Dahlan Iskan; as well as from elements of the DPD, Djan Faridz. From this reshuffle, Yudhoyono still accommodate the political parties who joined Setgab. , However guarded, and deemed important by SBY is a representation of ministers from each region and ethnicity.

New vacancies on some strategic positions in Malysia. Back when the composition KiB II is formed and no minister of the Moluccas, the people of Maluku in Ambon and held a demonstration demanding that the area was appointed one of the sons became ministers. It thus seems to disturb SBY, so that one son was appointed to the Maluku region's strategic position even though his position is under the minister. In doing this reshuffle, Yudhoyono was very concerned about elements of the region. The goal there is an element of area in KiB II is to maintain political stability and to equalize the 'justice.' So when the Minister of Transportation Freddy Numberi replaced, SBY to choose Balthasar Kambuaya equally from Papua. Similarly, when Mustafa Abu Bakr was replaced, then the other son of Aceh, Azwar Abubakar, was chosen to replace him.

Representation of the minister of local elements is an evidence of pride and attention to them by the central government in Jakarta, so many areas that are home communities in Jakarta organized political lobby to lobby-area men are accommodated in power. New vacancies on some strategic positions in Malysia. For example, before the reshuffle, the Society of Acehnese people in Greater Jakarta and Banten, hold hearings with the leadership of the Assembly. Hearings was done because the people of Aceh in the overseas were worried SOE Minister Mustafa Abu Bakar, former Governor of Aceh plt, be reshuffled so that no representatives from Aceh who sit in the cabinet. For that they ask the leadership of the Assembly to express this problem in order to SBY Acehnese remain in KiB II.

What to do with lifting SBY minister by a factor of region's balance legitimate and to dampen separatist movements. With the rising Anwar Abu Bakr and Kambuaya Balthasar, who had previously carried Mustafa Abu Bakr and Fredy Numberi, expected actions of local separatism could be lost. New vacancies on some strategic positions in Malysia. Representation of the minister of local elements are not merely an attempt to stop the separatist movements but also showed an increase in the area of human resources, such as Gusti Mohammad Hatta, who had previously been Minister of Environment then shifted to the Minister of Research and Technology is Professor of the University of Gastric Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan . Then Balthasar Kambuaya is Rector of the University of Cenderawasih, Papua.

The appointment of ministers from the region will have a positive element for the region of origin, where people will work harder and feel a part of Indonesia. However, those areas that do not feel represented in KiB II should gracefully, perhaps because there are no human resources or have not felt appropriate to have a bargaining position to offer. For that the need for local people to improve the work and creativity in building regional development in the area so that stretching can be a bargaining power.

For example, although Fadel Muhammad replaced, but the success of building a province of Gorontalo Fadel Muhammad able catapulted her name. With the success that it is included in KiB Fadel Muhammad II. New vacancies on some strategic positions in Malysia. The substitution of Fadel Muhammad probably because there are internal problems within his party, Golkar Party, and the possibility of existing elements of the territory included in KiB II, although its performance as Minister of Fisheries and Marine success.

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